Posts tagged "locker"

Spruce Up Your Locker!

Ok, so spring is around the corner. We know you hear your parents go on and on about spring cleaning around the house + with your room. So the last thing you want to hear about is more tidying up, right? So we’re not giving you tips to clean your locker but to SPRUCE it up as you rock out your second semester. Finals will be here sooner than later and a clean locker equals a clear mind.

1.) Purchase yourself a white board to hang on your locker. You can put up reminders,
inspirational quotes for the day, the list can go on.

2.) Cute magnets that can also be used as hangers.

3.) Color Coordinate your books and have a key; each class has a specific color.

4.) Get a calender to keep up with homework, plans, extra-curriculars, etc.

5.) Decorate your locker with things that represent you, i.e using wallpaper, pictures with family and friends, any old memories, etc.


Clean up + study up!

-Teen writer, Semhar Solomon