Behind the scenes of our C.O.R.E Mag GENIUS photoshoot with our summer interns! Stay tuned for the entire video series coming your way this fall!
C.O.R.E Mag’s Summer Intern 2019 x Bela Charter Highschool in Brooklyn
C.O.R.E workshops x Brooklyn Frontier High School
Workshop with amazing designer, stylists + visual leaders ~ Ashaka Givens, Chandra L. Moore + Gayima Kanu
Workshop with Shea Zephir of Art Living Us!
C.O.R.E On-Site At Girls; Live, Love, Laugh Inc.’s #GirlsMatter Walk in New Jersey!
C.O.R.E Chat x HEAF
“I wish that people knew that I am a nice, intelligent, understanding, and talented person even if I am Latina and Black.” Breaking stereotypes during C.O.R.E chat at HEAF.
A needed ingredient for any friendship or relationship, HONESTY. C.O.R.E chat with the girls of HEAF. 😎
Beauty fades but the mind + spirit stays! C.O.R.E chat with the girls of HEAF.😎✌
2015 Programs
Dr. Elma Flagg School – C.O.R.E after school program
2014 On-Site
Fun times at the Y.E.S Conference 2014 in NYC speaking on the topic of branding & being authentic to yourself!
C.O.R.E Mag – Creating Opportunity to Reach Empowerment had fun times with the fly 8th graders of HEAF – Harlem Educational Activities Fund, speaking on the topic of Media Literacy! http://bit.ly/1fUMXKc with – Ellisa Oyewo, Eden Oyewo
C.O.R.E had an AMAZING time speaking & creating with the teen girls at the Young Enterprising Sisters Conference in New Jersey on May 11th. Our topic was “Do What You Love” & overcoming barriers to achieve your dreams! We had open discussion and created vision boards for the girls to be able to see their goals!