From fresh kicks to the latest hair trends to your 50 bottles of nail polish scattered in your room, they all have one thing in common. Umm yeah, they cost money, right? Right! And another truth about these items is that just because you have them doesn’t mean you actually have extra money or should I dare and say ‘savings’? So even though you may look like you have it together that may be far from the truth. Alright, so scroll through to see if you want to FAKE it or actually MAKE it.
Stay In Your Lane- Just like they taught you in Driver’s ED to stay in your lane, the same rules apply when it comes to your coins. Just because your friend blows money without working doesn’t mean you can do the same. Remember, you put in hard work on your part-time gig after classes to get the extra cash flow. Spend wisely. And plus, you’re getting a jumpstart on adulthood that your spoiled home girl will have to catch up to. Again, spend wisely.
STRUGGLE mode now or BOSS mode later- Ooh we all love shiny, new things to add to our collection. But let me ask you this, would you rather be able to splurge just for the moment or actually have a lifestyle where you can flourish for years? Sacrifices today pave the growth of tomorrow. So don’t feel bad for packing lunch or not getting every refreshment at the movies. You’re just in prep mode for the rest of your life!
Savings are GHOST!- Okay, so this is tricky. In a world where we can’t get through 12 hours without sharing a ‘fun’ update about life, we have an itch to tell the world how much we’re saving especially if you’ve been cutting back. Well, this is a personal win that at the right time as you’re getting older will naturally slip out. When you’re the only one in your crew not stressing about hitting the college bookstore or even when spring break comes around you’re not scraping for that senior trip! Just know savings will come in handy in numerous ways + that’s always better than an Instagram debut.
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