College Culture Shock?


Daily Blog, Latest | by — April 10, 2019

Yay! You made it to college, a pivotal point in your life. The experience is brand new and much needed for growth. It can be pretty uncomfortable too, especially when you are spending your four years in an unfamiliar environment surrounded by a noticeably different crowd.

Being a minority on campus can bring another level angst to the college experience. You may find yourself missing home more often because your culture isn’t represented on campus in a way that makes you feel confident. Those feelings are valid. There are so many ways to bring that level of comfort to campus. Take a look below for some tips!


Go best friend, that’s my best friend!

You’re not the only minority student on campus and you’re definitely not the only minority student feeling this way. Making friends in college with all different kinds of students is important, but having a close-knit friend group that consists of other minorities will really help you through. They understand your issues and can relate to you in a way the majority cannot.

Welcome to our cluuub!

It will behoove you to take the Student Activities Fair seriously. Find the clubs that are lead by minorities and have a mission to bring more representation to campus. Their initiatives are most likely related to your own issues and desires. They are working towards a good cause, it gives you a chance to make friends, and looks great on your resume!

You’ve Got Mail

If you’ve found your crew and are still feeling uncomfortable, a care package from home could be what you need. Maybe there are certain mementos from home that could make you feel better. For example, if you have a favorite snack at home, but can’t find it on campus, ask your parents to send some to you (maybe throw in some extra for your friends). Maybe there are some products that you like or movies you love that can be mailed to school. The idea is to bring the comfort of home to campus with you.


~Tia Banks, Content Editor

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