Posts tagged "She’s All That"

Meet She’s All That!

The key to life is to be so confident that you encourage others to be confident as well and that is exactly what She’s All That! does. This powerful organization was founded by Conchetta Jones in after hearing the young ladies she was mentoring using the term in a negative way about other girls. They would say “she thinks she’s all that” whenever another young lady aspired to be the best she could be. Conchetta wanted girls to realize that thinking ‘she’s all that’ is not a negative thing but a very positive way to think.

She’s All That! was founded on the premise that every young woman should have access to programs and activities that would inspire, empower and educate. To empower, inspire and educate girls through informative workshops, cultural outings and real world experiences. Girls learn life skills, self-esteem, integrity, relationship building, conflict resolution, health and fitness and etiquette lessons.

Let’s get to know more about She’s All That!


She’s All That! is an influential organization that encourages, empowers and motivates young ladies, what made you want to create this platform for empowerment?

For over 10 years I worked with girls from my church and in the school system. I would listen to how they interacted with each other. There was a lot of negativity. Some girls were shunned if they did not wear the “right” clothes, or if they hung out with the “wrong” person. There was a code to how a girl was supposed to act to be considered “cool” I would watch as girls would be uncomfortable, but go along with the crowd anyway. They were too afraid to go against the “in crowd”. There was a lack of values among the young women. They looked up to the women in the Reality television shows. I created She’s All That! as a way to give girls a safe space to be themselves. During our workshops we give them skills that help them to say no and to stand up for themselves. They understand that they don’t have to follow the “in crowd” to be popular.

Your organization embraces the term ‘she’s all that’ as a positive statement, how do you help make the mental shift to girls to accept their power and love who they are?

During my school stint, I found out that a girl thought she was “all that” if she did positive things, like go to class, do her homework, be respectful, not hang out or sleep around. This disturbed me. When working with our girls we challenge them to stand in their power. I urge them to think that they are all that. Because they are. They are precious, priceless. I urge them to think before they make any decisions. And to let the decision be hers. Because good or bad her decision will come with consequences, and she should be willing to accept that. We do a lot of self-esteem activities, affirmations and journaling.


We tend to pull characteristics from others in our lives or from people we admire, who inspires you and why?

Right now I am blessed to be surrounded by women who are movers and shakers. They are everyday women who are doing big things. From them I am inspired to never give up (Caprice O’Bryant) to go after what I want (Felicia Houston) to speak boldly (La”Keisha Gray-Sewell) to love hard (Da-Nay Macklin) to make sure I have foundation before elevation (Monique Caradine) to give and to support others (Peggy Riggins, Keana Jones, Priscilla Williams) to never stop hustling (Cara Aljoe) to take time for self and breathe (Crystal Iris) to share resources freely (Tiffany Fincher). To look for the beauty in the simple things (Iris Connor) and to see God’s hand in everything (Jakki Smith). And my dream team, Angela, Roxanne and Shanta who support me in everything I do. These are just a few of the powerful women in my everyday life.


If you had to give one piece of advice to teen girls who are struggling with being comfortable in their own skin, what would it be?

The message that the media sends of what is beautiful is all smoke and mirrors. That that level of perfection is created by a team of people and photoshop. Do not compare yourself with something that is not real and is impossible or dangerous to attain. I urge them to love and to appreciate their own unique beauty.


Working with youth both parties learn from each other, what’s one trait you have learned from working with girls?

To live in the moment and to dream big.

We’re all about empowerment at C.O.R.E Mag, what does EMPOWERMENT mean to you + your organization?

Empowerment means having the courage to live your own reality. To dress how you like, do the things you want to do, to have the confidence to stand up for yourself and to not feel like you have to follow the crowd.

Check out more here!

She’s All That!
